
Cornwall Golf Union

Recruitment & Retention Workshops near You!

England Golf are hosting a series of workshops to help clubs with Recruitment & Retention of members.

Our closest workshop is taking place at Boringdon Golf Club, Plymouth on Tuesday 24th May 2016.

These workshops are a direct follow up to the Business Growth Forums held recently and which proved so successful and informative. Once again the workshops will be led by Jane Carter

The workshops will be split into two parts, the morning will focus on membership recruitment and the afternoon will focus on membership retention.

By the end of the morning workshop you will have:

  • The three basic membership recruitment strategies every golf club needs to have in place
  • Created your own membership escalator to take potential members from the first introduction to ‘joining day’
  • Developed a consistent membership recruitment campaign for the next 12 months and beyond for your golf club

By the end of the afternoon workshop you will have:

  • An understanding on how to focus on your inactive members to help activate them again
  • Developed a consistent communication plan for all sectors of your membership
  • The knowledge on what marketing tools to use to show your members that they are valued
  • Developed a retention plan you can use and adapt every year

There is a cost attached to the workshops and this is £99 per club which does cover the attendance of two people from your club. Alternatively you can attend just the one session at a cost of £50 - again covering two people.

You will no doubt have received separate notice from England Golf about the workshops but your support and interest would be appreciated. You will benefit!

Bookings can be made here

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